This term the year 7&8’s have technology. I am in cooking, we have cooked so many yummy stuff and I really love it in there because I get to eat not only when Its morning tea time but in the morning too.
Making food with Ms Heka is fun we make desserts foods and we maybe able to make smoothies to. So far all I remember making Is The: chocolate chunky Biscuits dutch apple pie hotcakes and the shrewsbury biscuits. I love to eat, thats all I do eat, eat, eat like a big big pig, na just kidding but just as I said before I do love to eat. I especially like eating the hotcakes with caramel sauce and chocolate.
Every single time I walk back to school I eat the rest of my food, (If i haven't already eaten it) I run like the wind into the warm class because I get so cold I can’t even feel my toes.
I really hope I get to do this again. This story will be followed by another in Term 3, but for now bye bye.
This term, our group has had the opportunity to read a novel known as”THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT”, written by James Patterson. This is the first time I’ve been asked to read a novel, since I’ve been at Pt England School. Having the chance to read this with classmates is very helpful because, as soon as you are unable to understand one word they help you asap. Reading this in our groups has been fun. Learning together is what I like to do, especially with my friends.
I hope we get to do this again. I really did have fun reading, so if you would like to read this novel go online and look it up to read or you could go ahead to the shop and buy one.
Id like to say Thank-you to Eleva for editing my work with me.
This week room 18 had to do a piece of writing about our favorite place. We have recently just started and have nearly finished.
I have chosen the Pt England reserve as my favorite place because I love going there with my cousins. I don’t go there often, but when do we play games involving water, we bomb off the rocks and we have the biggest feeds especially when we are all together.
I love coming here to play because we all have heaps of fun. This place is very special to me because we are always happy when we are there, I really want to visit other beaches to make more memories.
Special thanks to Tyler Janssen for going over and over just to make my writing sound perfect.
Kia Ora, Talofa, Bula, and welcome to my blog. Hi my name is Tyla and I am in year 8 at Pt England school. My teacher this year is Mr Barks. My favourite subject I like to do is Maths. My hobbies I love to do at school are to play with my friends and I also like to surf the Internet to learn more things.