Monday, May 7, 2012

Maximum ride the angel experiment by James Patterson!!

I’ve just been assigned a novel to read! First time ever! I am completely hooked and we have  only just begun this study. James Patterson is the author of many series maybe just looking at the title page hooks you in, but NO you should never judge a book by it’s cover. The prologue is such a good bit to read which get you in progress with the story, you will never know how good the book is until you read it. Beginning this book we read on until the end of chapter 3. The only bits of the story I remember is Max running away from all of the blood sucking animals and the erasers (killers) and here’s me getting worried. Then Max comes to a cliff and takes a gulp and thinks does she wanna be eaten by animals, killed by erasers,or would she rather jump.........So she jumps and spreads her arms nek minnit she’s flying.That’s about it, till furthermore keep in touch to hear more about it.

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