Friday, June 25, 2010

Kapa Haka at the Auckland Museum

Have you ever done a performance in front of a audience?

Well performing in front of a audience is scary at first, I know I get scared of performing in front of people. The reason the Pt England kapahaka group performed is so they could start the opening of the Auckland Museum movie competition, it was Ms King's class that entered the movie competition with a great movie about changing through out the years and that people are still important to you.

Calling up the finalist was a young lady called Kiesha Castle-Hughes who was once a little girl on Whale Rider. She called up heaps of schools but she didn't call Pt England's catagory. Pt England did come first in one section, winning a camera followed by heaps of other tech stuff.

I've never felt so amazed after watching the performance.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do you know what a compound word is?

Today we finally finished our paper mache project, can you try guess what it is? We had to create a compound word. Here are some clues that can help you:
1. There is a yummy jelly tip on the roof of the cake.
2. There is a delicious banana cake in the middle.
3. It also has a chocolate cake at the bottom.
4. It has a green saucer
5. It has a dark blue candle.
6. The handle has several different flavours.

Have you guessed, if you want to have a try comment me.


On Sunday, June the 6th me and my family went to Valentines to celebrate my dad's birthday, It was my first time there so I didn't know what to do.

I said to my mum when do we get our food because I'm hungry, she said you get the food yourself. The most food I ate was the oysters and corn chips, me eating the desert was sickening but I still eat it because it was yummy. The only desert I ate was the chocolate moose and the chocolate and vanilla log (cake) and the chocolate and vanilla ice-cream.